Your vision, my mission:
Transparency, diversity and global synergies

Have you heard of the new EU Whistleblowing Protection Directive and want to know how to effectively introduce it to your company?

You do not want to use diversity as a buzzword, but you would like to use it strategically to increase your employee satisfaction?

Working within multi-cultural teams is frustrating for you and you are looking for solutions?

Compliance should be practiced values instead of empty phrases?

Let’s schedule a free introductory session to discuss your request:

Known from:

At LMa² Consulting, sustainable solutions and people are in focus. As an expert in the areas of whistleblowing, diversity, intercultural cooperation and internal auditing, I offer customized consulting services. My aim is not only to help you overcome challenges, but also to seize opportunities to ensure long-term success.

Seize opportunities, secure long-term success

My philosophy: Customized solutions instead of one-fits-all

Sustainable success can only be achieved by taking a holistic view of processes and people. My consultation is practice-oriented and individually customized to your needs. I develop strategies for you that do not only work today but will also last tomorrow.

The consulting services are mainly provided digitally. By arrangement, they can also take place physically on site at your company or in a hybrid format.

That's why you should choose LMa² Consulting:

With over ten years of experience in various industries and extensive expertise, I am your ideal partner to take your company to the next level. I stand for trust, efficiency and conversations on equal footing - values that are very important to me when working together.

Get in touch with me:

Let's shape the future of your company together. Arrange a non-binding initial consultation today:

What clients say about me:

Mrs. Mair impresses with her expertise and empathy for this topic.

Training regarding the topic intercultural collaboration

Very professional, very helpful and a practical approach.

Consultation regarding prevention mechanisms for sexual harassment at the workplace

Questions could be asked during the training and were answered precisely. Mrs. Mair shared real-life examples, which made it easy to transfer the theoretical input into practical situations. We definitely recommend Mrs. Mair to other companies.

Mrs. Mair impresses with her specialist knowledge in the area of whistleblowing and internal audit. Especially the practical examples were very accurate.

Consultation in the area of whistleblowing and internal audit
Training for the internal department regarding the EU Whistleblowing Protection Directive

About me

The initials for LMa² Consulting stand for me, Lisa-Maria Mair, MSc, MBA. I grew up close to Salzburg in Upper Austria. After numerous stays abroad I came back to Salzburg, were I work digitally or visit my clients by appointment.

During my master studies (MSc in Global Business), I already conducted successfully international consulting projects for local companies in Austria, Canada and Taiwan and studied in the afore-mentioned countries. My interests for foreign cultures led me back to Taiwan for a second time, to complete my MBA in Business Ethics.

On a professional level I worked in different industries, such as engineering or market research. Before founding my own company, I worked in the internal audit department for the largest automotive retail company in Europe, where I conducted the requirements of the EU Whistleblowing Protection Directive (2019/1937) since its publishment.

During my professional career I conducted numerous interviews with whistleblowers and affected persons and led numerous special investigations. One of my interests lies in the field of white-collar crime and interviewing, where I am also constantly educating myself.

My mission is to support companies in creating win-win-win situations when implementing the HSchG (Whistleblowing Protection Act). Because only if everyone involved benefits, truly sustainable success can be achieved. And yes, it is possible to act in compliance with the HSchG AND stay efficiently. How does that work? Please feel free to arrange an initial consultation with me. I look forward to hearing from you!

Insights for your organisation.

Unfortunately, the newsletter is currently only published in German. Are you interested in an English version? Please contact me!

Secure your free initial consultation here:

You have a question and would like to contact me?

I am looking foward to your request!